
Netflix My List Truncation Issues

A note about how the My List truncation problem affects the list on this page:
> If any titles on the truncated portion of My List are renewed, we won't be able to see that, so we will probably miss some of these, at least when the renewal first occurs.
> Contributors who use the Netflix website My List to post expiring titles in comments will not be able to do so for most of the titles on their lists. This means the latest of these titles will most likely be delayed in going on the blog list.
> Work-around: posts all expiring titles that we would normally see on My List. Currently, uNoGS is a day behind in their posting. That means that what we would have seen on My List beginning at 12:00 midnight will not be discovered until the following midnight. In other words, the blog list (including comments) will be running a day behind the usual posting. Also, I should be able to catch renewals at uNoGS - anything that has been renewed falls off of their list, but again, there will be a delay.
> Those who have other devices/apps that show My List should still be able to see expiration dates for all titles, so these contributions should not be affected. This includes contributions for movies that are more than a week away from the last day to watch.

Bottom line: Check the blog list every day to see what you can't see on your My List (even though it might take an extra day). And hope that this great big PITA gets resolved by Netflix's swell programmers soon.
P.S. For ideas about how to mitigate the truncation issue, see recent comments on the Discussions & Ideas page:

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